Monday, 2 March 2015


Information that you would/wouldn't share online.

A.Personal Information that you would share online
B.Personal Information that you should keep private
Your first name
Year Group
Gender (boy or girl)
Favourite band, sports team, food
The name of your pet
Favourite subjects at school
My learning goals
My strengths - what I am good at

-Kia Ora My Name Is Brooklyn I Am A Year 8 Student
Here At Tamaki Primary School (TPS). I Am In The Manaiakalani Syndicate.

Keep Full name (first and last) private because they could track you down 
and find you or find information about you.
Keep Home address private because they will know where you live and they can just
show up at your front door or do something to your house..
Keep Email address private because they could just keep on messaging you and sending random stuff.
Keep Date of birth private because they don't need to know exactly when you were born.
Keep Parents names private
Brothers and sisters names
Home Phone number, mobile number
Credit card numbers
How many brothers and sisters you have

Create and share your personal profile on your blog.

Your blog has been created to share your learning. Write a personal profile to share on your blog. There are people you know, and people you don’t know, who can view your profile.