Thursday, 15 October 2015

SNAG GOLF - Reflection


Today the year 8's had kiwi sports, the sport for this term is SN@G GOLF(Starting New @ Golf) and our instructor was named Huge. It was a amazing experience for me and my friends, Etai and William because had not had any knowledge of this game of what so ever until today came along. We also had our national earthquake drill for all of New Zealand to do which was at 9:15 today. 

Our instructor Huge and he explain to us how to play and gave us immaculate challenges to try among our group and in my group their was Etai, William and me. We try to do lots of other things to help us with strategies to get it in. William had got it in the cones lots of times and so did Etai. 

SNAG GOLF from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Tuakana Teina - Predator Tag

Today me and my group, were given younger people to teach our game we played. Which was called predator tag. This game is in the presentation. But in the rest of the slides we have things we done successful and unsuccessful and what we can improve on that so please enjoy.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Brooklyn, Brodie & Chance - How the tiger got his stripes

Today kia manawanui went to the library to meet up with our tuakana teina class. My friend Brody got hes buddy Chance but I didn't get a buddy. So i partnered up with hes buddy but also working with Brodie. And for the whole first quarter we were watching videos and working on this task.

Friday, 12 June 2015

Brooklyn - Brodie Descriptive Detail & Phrases

Odysseus Figurative Language
On June the 11th of 2015, me and Brodie have started on this task called descriptive detail & phrases. What we had to do was choose a book an read it then write different types of figurative language. The categories that we had to write two bullet points were simile, metaphor, idiom, personification, hyperbole, alliteration, assonance and analogy and this also includes our personal reflection on our task and which I think our whole together is actually year 8 standard just like the blog post.   

Brooklyn - Sulaiman Multiplication Wheels

Today me and my friend sulaiman did some of our time tables together our 10, 8 and 7 timetables and more other ones. Above you are able to see the different timetable that we have completed and got right hopefully but I know that we have got them right surely.

Friday, 29 May 2015

Hercules Main Characters - Brooklyn - Brodie

Walt: We are learning to relate movie related themes to a blooms taxonomy

Today me and Brodie have completed a task from the understanding section of blooms taxonomy for the movie hercules. 

Brooklyn & Brodie - Movie Task

Here is drawing that i worked on with my partner, Brodie and it took a bit of time and effort into it.
This drawing is a task this is from the movie evaluation on hercules were we had to select and describe characters from the movie.

What makes a hero? Brooklyn

What is a hero and what makes a good hero?

A hero is a person that does heroic things for others and not only yourself. You step out of the box to do the things that you know are right. Stand out in the crowd. They have confidence in what they would be able to do. A hero never gives up under any circumstances. A good hero does the right thing at the right time. They put the effort into everything they do.
I was given a task to list characters in the movie with my buddy either they are good or bad heroes in the list the list

  • Hercules
  • Pegasus
  • Phil
  • Zeus
  • Amphitryon
  • Aclema
  • The Muses
  • Hades
  • Pain 
  • Panic
  • Meg
  • The Fates 

Character Descriptions of Hercules - Brooklyn

Today my task was to describe three characters from the disney movie, hercules with four key words and I chose these words wisely. The three characters i have chosen if you don't know them are, Hercules, Hades and Megara.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Brooklyn - Acquaintance Or Friend?

Today me and my partner T.J completed ACQUAINTANCE or FRIEND. This task is about what we think is the definition and synonyms for the words ACQUAINTANCE and FRIEND.  Above this description is a image of the ACQUAINTANCE or FRIEND task that includes definitions, synonyms and a list of characteristics and qualities of friends.

Free rice | Brooklyn & Marcus

This is a activity  that me and my friend did for maths. we had to feed a family By answering multiplication problems.
we reached 1110.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Definition Battle By Brooklyn - Brodie

Hello and this is my definition battle about our inquiry subject which is Myths and Legends that i have completed with the help from my friend Brodie.

Monday, 2 March 2015


Information that you would/wouldn't share online.

A.Personal Information that you would share online
B.Personal Information that you should keep private
Your first name
Year Group
Gender (boy or girl)
Favourite band, sports team, food
The name of your pet
Favourite subjects at school
My learning goals
My strengths - what I am good at

-Kia Ora My Name Is Brooklyn I Am A Year 8 Student
Here At Tamaki Primary School (TPS). I Am In The Manaiakalani Syndicate.

Keep Full name (first and last) private because they could track you down 
and find you or find information about you.
Keep Home address private because they will know where you live and they can just
show up at your front door or do something to your house..
Keep Email address private because they could just keep on messaging you and sending random stuff.
Keep Date of birth private because they don't need to know exactly when you were born.
Keep Parents names private
Brothers and sisters names
Home Phone number, mobile number
Credit card numbers
How many brothers and sisters you have

Create and share your personal profile on your blog.

Your blog has been created to share your learning. Write a personal profile to share on your blog. There are people you know, and people you don’t know, who can view your profile.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Time Tables Rivision - 7x, 8x

Me and my buddy/friend TJ were practising our times tables.
If you can see there are some patterns.